Digital Marketing



Radiator is a digital marketing agency that drives growth for ambitious brands. We can help you reach new audiences and acquire new customers through activity that encompasses targeted exposure and traffic to on-page engagement and conversion optimisation.

From product launches to straightforward acquisition, or generating more repeat purchases from the customer base you already have, we can help make best use of your digital marketing budget.

Off-page tactics

Create a marketing strategy

Our experts will work with you to put a holistic ecommerce marketing strategy in place. Comprising marketing tactics both on and off your website, and focussed on your business as a whole or specific products, this strategic planning is invaluable in building brand awareness, driving customer loyalty, and ultimately boosting sales online.

Here are some of our recommendations to inspire you into action!

Invest in SEO

This is all about ranking naturally (no Ad spend needed) for target keywords – and around quantifiable monthly demand. With the goal being to get your product pages among the top 10 results on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEO builds authority and trust in your brand and attracts good quality organic traffic to your site. According to Backlinko, the #1 organic result is 10 times more likely to receive a click compared to a page in spot #10.

Can we include a screenshot for a high-ranking client – along with the avg searches per month.

Run PPC campaigns / Google – Meta – Bing

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is backed by data, easy to scale, and offers good ROI potential so is a popular tactic for Ecommerce. We target PPC ad space across search engines, social media platforms and other relevant websites. These ads work well for ecommerce brands because they target, motivated and ready-to-buy shoppers, instantly. 

Google shopping ads have worked very well for our ecommerce clients. Likewise, Meta ads, run on Facebook and Instagram, allow us to target specific personas and leverage a variety of ad formats to promote your products - across shoppable posts, stories, influencer tagging. With PPC, we have complete control over who to target, when and what type of ad format is used. We can also layer in Retargeting ads to people who’ve viewed specific landing pages, previously purchased, engaged on social media or viewed previous ad activity, and entice them to come back.

Alt Text

Paid Social TikTok / Snapchat

Alongside Meta activity, we have helped our clients forge and strengthen new audience relationships through TikTok and Snapchat. Using advanced personalisation techniques, we boost engagement by profiling your target customers, their interests and preferences. Our clients have thrived on these channels by publishing genuine, even raw content. This approach generates more exposure and engagement compared with more polished content – leading to relationship strengthening with your audience.

Improve your email campaigns

Email marketing remains a very appealing tactic with well above average conversion rates but relies on regular and valuable activity to be effective. Leveraging the power of an email marketing automation app like Campaign Monitor to create emails that your subscribers will actually appreciate can boost your chances of succes. Consider:

  • Sending a welcome email as soon as a customer makes a purchase
  • Provide exclusive promo codes and free gifts
    Send regular newsletters to alert subscribers of new discount offers, product tips, and, when appropriate, company news
  • Share relevant content to help customers get the most out of their recently purchased items
  • Run a BOGO campaign in time for the holidays to promote self-gifting during the season, too

On-page tactics

Optimise your product pages

Before we kick off the marketing, our experts will make sure your website and landing pages are best set up to increase the percentage of visitors who take desired actions across full screen & mobile versions. By analysing user behavior, we are able to optimise elements such as design, content, and user experience to boost conversions. Through A/B testing, heatmaps, and user feedback we can pinpoint areas for improvement, leading to significant enhancements in sales and maximising the return on investment (ROI) of digital marketing efforts.

Upsell your products

For many ecommerce businesses, upselling and cross-selling can be more effective than acquiring a net new customer. Sometimes your customers don’t know that a premium product is available, or they may simply need more evidence to understand how an upgrade (or package) is a better fit for their needs.

We need to make sure your upsells are related to the original product with the benefits explained in full.

Reduce your abandoned checkout rate

Every time a visitor abandons their checkout without purchasing, means you are effectively losing money.

This happens a lot - according to the Baymard Institute, 69.82% of shopping carts are abandoned. One simple and effective method of reducing this is an email recovery campaign, which can convince your visitors to make a return visit and complete their original purchase. Could they have been persuaded with a discount or free shipping?

Capture more email subscribers

It's been around a long time but email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for driving first time & repeat sales.

Email offers a more personal interaction compared to the barrage of social posts and subscribers are still more protective of messages sent to their inboxes versus their social feeds. And with email, you have the flexibility to comunicate more information than a social post and can be as personalised as you need.

We can help with your email capture efforts to immediately grow your subscribers.

Engage online visitors with live chat

Live chat is great way to engage with customers who are browsing your site. Live chat platforms let you target browsers on certain pages, after they’ve been on your site for a certain length of time, or even after they’ve arrived on your site through an email newsletter.

Having direct conversations with your customers, allowing you to answer and address concerns right when they’re planning to buy is a powerful Ecommerce tactic.

Leverage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to generate social proof. When prospective customers can identify with others who regularly purchase your products, they’ll feel more assurance and confidence. 89% of consumers worldwide read reviews before buying products. 

UGC can take many forms, with one of the most effective types of UGC being pictures of customers actually using your products.

Reward loyal customers

Focusing on customer retention is a cost-effective way to increase online sales. Return customers account for 22% of a retailer’s revenue, while making up just 11% of the total customer base, according to Stitch Labs. They also spend 15% more over the course of a year.

One way we can help you to reward loyal and valued customers is through a customer loyalty program. There are many ways to benefit through extra incentives to purchase, pass on referrals, or keep your brand top of mind through automated reminders. A point-based program can be very effective - with its own point-based currency that can be redeemed for discounts, free shipping or free gifts.

Continual testing / learning / optimising

All on-page / off-page tactics are 100% measurable. As your digital partner, it is essential that we continually test and learn fast across all activity to ensure we delivery maximum ROAS for your Ecommerce business.

Our Client Promise

Extension of your team

Consider us an extension of your Team; we will work closely with you to first grasp your brand values, target audience, online value proposition & key selling messages – equipping ourselves with what we need to successfully represent your brand.

Monthly improvements

Through the roll-out of digital marketing tactics we will ensure complete accountability & maximum return on your investment; aiming for month-on-month improvement across a range of agreed KPIs & goals.

Transparent + ethical

We will maintain a transparent & ethical approach through representing your brand in driving targeted awareness, traffic & positive results.

Pricing + Minimum Contracts

We recommend kicking off Ecommerce digital marketing with 2-3 days per month, supporting an integrated Marketing Strategy across multiple tactics for swifter results.

Please note, our daily rate is £650.

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